Website Disclaimer

Whilst Vertex Resourcing Ltd (Vertex) uses reasonable care in compiling and presenting the information found on this website, it is provided purely for information and you should seek further guidance and make independent enquiries before relying upon it.

The information included in this website has been compiled from a variety of sources and could be subject to change without notice.

Vertex makes no representation regarding the completeness, accuracy, currency, adequacy, suitability or operation of this website, or of the information it contains nor any warranty in respect of any information carried on any website operated by a third party which may be accessed from this website, nor that the information on this or any third party website has in any way been verified by Vertex.

Information contained on this website is provided on an “as seen” basis. Vertex can assume no responsibility for information contained within and disclaims all liability arising from negligence or otherwise in respect of this information.

Vertex makes no representation in respect of the existence or availability of any appointment advertised on this site.

Vertex is unable to provide a guarantee that any employer will keep confidential any candidate information or data provided to the employer. Vertex makes no guarantee that any employer will ask for a candidate’s information, ask to interview a candidate or appoint a candidate, or that any candidates will be available or will meet the needs of any employer.

Vertex makes no warranty regarding the final terms and duration of any appointment obtained via this website.

By using this website you assume the risk that the information on this website may be incomplete, inaccurate, out of date or may not meet your requirements.

Any interpretation of this website’s content shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.